Saturday, October 6, 2012

JFK's Mars Speech Continued...

John F. Kennedy's Famous Mars Outreach Speech

 Part II:  Full Disclosure

     “They have been reaching out to both sides of the Cold War since Victory Day -and when I speak of they, I speak of those not of this Earth.  Yes, my fellow citizens of the Free World, there is extraterrestrial life on other planets in this solar system.  Two Great Powers exist above our world and each of them has indeed chosen a side, or perhaps more appropriately, the West and the East have chosen to join one of these Higher Powers’ sides.  Beings from Mars and Venus have been watching us for hundreds of years, if not longer, and indeed they have been directly interacting with us for decades and indirectly interacting with us for God knows how long.  -And, as fate would have it, the battle for Freedom not only exists on this world but on the worlds above.
     My fellow citizens of the Free World, the beings from Mars have agreed to join our fight, but unfortunately this means those from Venus have allied themselves with our enemy.  Free Mars has been in a fight against the Venus Dominion for the last century.  The beings from Venus ruthlessly control their citizens and even have a slave class.  The Martian’s attempt to free these unfortunate citizens and slaves from the grip of Venus’s Elitist rulers unfortunately failed -and now their fight has come directly to our world -though it has always been here indirectly.  The Venusians had prevented the Martians from freeing our world in the centuries past as the Venusians themselves attempted to conquer our world subversively.
     I again quote my Secret Society Speech:  ‘For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence:  on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of Free Choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.’*  End quote.  Now we know that the powers behind this tightly formed, highly efficient machine;  which combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations;  are not even from this world.
      So now lines have been clearly drawn, on the Earth and in Space.  My Fellow Americans, gird yourselves for although World War III has officially ended, World War IV has just begun.  Strengthen your fighting spirit, embrace our new allies as they now touch down in our Military Zones.  Reach out to the beings of Free Mars.  Make them your brothers and sisters, for we are all in the same fight;  we are all on the same side against Tyranny and Oppression.  Embrace Operation Outreach:  reach with your minds to the planets above;  reach with your hearts to unite with beings that are going to be shockingly different on the surface but strikingly similar with that which lies beneath the surface.  Together we will win this War, by not only winning the Battles on this world, but by winning the Battles above this world.  Freedom Will Not Die so long as we do not let it Die!  Long Live The Fighters of Freedom and Democracy!”
     The Impassioned President punctuated his speech with a powerful right fist pound on the podium.  His determination then faded from his face as the video faded out.  The feed then faded into a Martian Saucer touching down at Area 51.  Tripod landing gear extending from the spaceship made contact with the salty Earth;  a hatch opened that extended steps to the natural runway.  A single wiry being from Mars climbed down the steps before the now present American Military Brass.  It returned the Generals’ salute with perfect precision.

For Part Three Click HERE!

* Excerpted from John F. Kennedy's April 27, 1961 'Secret Society Speech'.