Saturday, October 6, 2012

JFK's Mars Speech Open

John F. Kennedy's Famous Mars Outreach Speech

 Broadcast from the Ruins of Dallas, Texas
November 22, 1966

      Still handsome, but with a few more lines and a few more gray hairs, the Hollywood President (as his Rivals now called him after the Marilyn Monroe scandal broke in ‘65) appeared on the rare black and white televisions scattered throughout the bombed out Western World.  Hoards of drawn, desperate people surrounded these televisions hoping their leader, who had once giving them so much hope but had driven them down a road of despair, still had some magic left in his words that could lead them out of their dire situation.
     Gone were his boyish, uncentered, almost mischievous glances;  in their place pushed forth a steely gaze.  Gone was his charming, almost devilish smile;  in its place pushed forth a jutting, grinding, steel jaw.  His lucky Cowboy Hat and Boots, which he had sworn had saved him from multiple attempts on his life, sat on the podium before him.  He readied himself for his speech, the purpose of which was to once again gird the Western World for its impossible fight against the Eastern Power.  Though much has changed for the second term President, his famous accent and lilting lisp remained unchanged. . .
     “My fellow Americans, Allies of the Western World, these are indeed desperate times.  World War III never should have started, but it has.  Once again our troubled World has chosen sides and once again Freedom finds itself in a Life and Death Struggle against Tyranny.  -But this war is even more far reaching than you realize.  Since the end of World War II other forces have been at play, unworldly forces of which even I was ignorant of until well after I became President.
     The Truth Seekers will remember my Secret Society Speech.  In that speech I stated and I quote, ‘we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies -to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.  We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.’*  End quote.  At that time I believed and stood for every single thing I had said.
     -But now, my fellow Truth Seekers, I stand before you a hypocrite.  A day after I gave that speech I was introduced to how far reaching the Secret Societies were, how deep in the dark their shadowy secrets lay and how far they were willing to go to keep those secrets hidden from prying eyes.  Citizens of the Free World, I was blindsided by the incomprehensible truths that were revealed to me.  I thought of going public with this unseemly information, despite the not-so-subtle threats that were levied against my family and myself, but I didn’t -now, looking back, perhaps I should have.
     Ashamedly I became an unwilling member of this Secret Society, a pawn to their unknown agendas.  At the time I thought I had no choice;  I thought I had to conceal the truth, not only for the safety of my family, but for the safety of the entire Free World.  Now I have no choice but to reveal the Ultimate Truth.
     My fellow citizens, we are at a moment of Full Disclosure.  When I made my plea before you to reach for the Moon and beyond, the Soviet Union was not the true impetus for such ambitions.  Secret Forces of Untold Power, which were puppet masters to the Polit Bureau, were the true impetus of the Space Race.  Citizens of the Western Hemisphere, Allies of the west:  The Cold War has not only been fought between the Capitalists and the Communists, but buy Higher Powers.  Citizens of the Entire World:  I am just going to say this bluntly:  We are not alone.  I am going to give you a moment to grasp the depth of what I am truly divulging.”

For Part Two Click HERE!

* Excerpted from John F. Kennedy's April 27, 1961 'Secret Society Speech'