Saturday, October 6, 2012

JFK's Mars Speech: Khrushchev

John F. Kennedy's Famous Mars Outreach Speech

Part III:  Khrushchev

     Kennedy and the Majestic 12 watched the scene at Area 51 unfold with the entire Western World, but then the feed changed to a foreign broadcast.  The speech by the quickly aging Nikita Khrushchev, which had been simulcast with Kennedy’s own speech, was now at its ending.  Over Khrushchev’s defiant words the purposely menacing English translation blusters:
     “Comrades, fate has dealt us a strange but playable hand.  Yes, we had the enemy of the Working Class on the brink of folding on their final hand, but higher gods have saved the enemy of the people from collapsing like a house of cards.  Indeed there are larger forces at work in the world.  Decadent, arrogant gods from Mars now join the Capitalists’ side, but fear not for the Workers and Warriors of Venus now join our side.  We will finish this War For The People just like we finished Hitler and the Third Reich in the Great Patriotic War.  We will spill Oceans of Blood for Victory and we will bleed Oceans of Blood for our Cause as well.  Can our opponents claim the same?  We were the true victors of World War II, just as we were the true victors of World War III, just as we will be the true victors of World War IV!
     -But Comrades across the globe, we cannot win this fight alone.  Embrace your unearthly Comrades, for even though they are of a different flesh, they are of the same soul.  Fight along side them in this seemingly endless battle for what is Right for the People.  Only together can we win this fight and advance our Communistic Principles not only across this planet, but to the planets and stars above.
     My devilishly handsome rival likes to flaunt his wizardly wards:  his cowboy hat and boots.  Now I will show you a boot I have in my possession.  This is a boot of the First Soldier killed in World War III, not the first Russian Soldier mind you, but THE very First Soldier killed of any country on any side of this unjustified conflict:  He was the very first victim of American Colonial Aggression!  This boot is all that remains of this soldier.  We do not even know his name.  His family will never know his fate.
     In the past I have been quoted as saying ‘WE WILL BURY YOU!’  This was not an allusion to war, but to Social Justice.  I had laid the Gauntlet at Vice President Richard Nixon’s feet;  I had challenged him to a respectful competition between our two divergent economies.  United States of America, your imperialistic nation chose to forgo my friendly challenge.  You fear the Almighty Worker!  Now you will fear the Almighty Warrior that defends him!  Yes, I once said:  ‘WE WILL BURY YOU!’ now I say ‘WE WILL CRUSH YOU!’”  Khrushchev’s right hand pounded the podium before him with the right boot and the podium explosively shattered.
     With the Premier’s closing words and actions;  Khrushchev’s worn, elderly -but enraged face faded off of the feed. . .  The feed then faded into a Venusian Spindle landing in the Siberian Deep.  The cigar-shaped spaceship never actually touched the ground, but hovered above the snow drifting runway.  The portal of the ship opened revealing a menacingly masked and majestically cloaked being from Venus.  It saluted the waiting Soviet General Staff with elegance. . .

The Beginning

Written by Bashaan

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